To paraphrase Marina Giannetto in her recent article, no company identity is possible without memory to sustain it, and no company memory is possible without an archive to let it settle and consolidate. She states, “it is a common opinion that the worst risk for an archive is not so much […] being in disorder, but rather being ‘passive’, i.e. if it just gathers, stores and preserves materials, it will stress those ‘simply receptive – conserving’ features that used to mark” the traditional archival culture of the past. An active institution “should appraise its materials and follow a policy of completing them, without, however, accepting indiscriminate transfer, that results from the overwhelming quantity of paper produced by public bodies, or from […] private archives, (because) such transfer is often incoherent with the Institute’s identity” xcfr. M. Giannetto, Per una riflessione sulla “questione degli archivi”, in “Le Carte e la Storia”, 2004, 1, pp. 201-206.
