italian version

Susanna Ognibene

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Susanna Ognibene graduated in Humanities at the “La Sapienza” University in Rome and afterwards she got a Specialization Diploma in General and Museum Didactics. Since 1984 she has been working as a freelance in the field of filing and cataloguing Archival and Archaeological Assets, in the field of the archaeological researches and of the Cultural Training concerning Cultural Assets.
She is currently managing the “Project for the preservation and valorization of the Historical Industrial Archives of the Muggiano Shipyard in La Spezia”, in collaboration with the Ansaldo Foundation in Genoa and with the Archival Superintendence Office of the Region of Liguria.
Since 1987 she has been member of the archaeological mission of the Istituto Biblico Francescano di Gerusalemme operating in the field of archaeological researches and restoration of historical buildings in the Middle East area.
She is responsible for researches in the university field and she is currently managing a project of research regarding the digging out of anti-aircraft galleries during the Second World War on behalf of the University of Florence at the Department of Restoration and Preservation of Architectural Assets. She is also teaching in the Specialization Courses of  “Restauro dei manufatti architettonici allo stato di rudere” .
She is member of the Exam Commission for Tourist Guides of the Province of La Spezia.
She is member of ANAI (Italian National Archival Association).
She is the author of many scientific publications.

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