See article 3 of the statute of the association. Up to now the Centro has received many assets as gifts or deposits from several important enterprises, both active and defunct: Assolombarda, Carlo Erba, A.L. Colombo, Caproni, Dioguardi spa, Ordine professionale degli agenti di cambio, Samur srl, Cooperativa edificatrice La postelegrafonica, Unione esercizi elettrici spa, and Edison. The reasons for the creation of an Aet can be found in the contribution by Giuseppe Paletta in Conferenza nazionale degli archivi. Roma, Archivio centrale dello Stato, 1-3 July 1998, Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali Ufficio centrale per i beni archivistici, Rome 1999, pages 83-86 and in the editorial by Giuseppe Paletta in «La memoria dell’impresa», n. 3, February 1999, Milan.
