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Amedeo Lepore

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Amedeo Lepore is an Associated Professor of Economic History in the Department of European, Jurisprudence and Socio-Economic Studies of the University of Bari, where he holds the chairs of Economic History of the International Relations and Marketing History. He studied Economics at the University Federico II of Naples; he got his PhD at the University of Bari. He worked as a Professor also in other Institutes and Universities in Italy and abroad (Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”, Università Luiss e S. Pio V, in Italy, Università di Mar del Plata, di Buenos Aires ed Entre Rìos, abroad). He wrote for historical and financial journals both in Italy and abroad, and he is the author of many publications on the economic history and on the business history of the South of Italy and Spain, with a particular attention to the studies on commerce history in the Atlantic and Mediterranean areas in the modern age. He also published a book and many researches on the evolution, in the long run, of the financial activities of Spanish companies in the Euro-American market, and a book and many essays on the Italian Southern issue. He studies also globalization history, politics and history of the European integration, and accounting history. He coordinates an International Research Group on South America’s Economic History. In 2006, he was a speaker of the session on the theme “town and creativity” of the UN-HABITAT. He is a member of the Accademia Pontaniana in Naples, of the Società Nazionale di Storia Patria in Naples, of the Associazione Italiana per la Storia del Pensiero Economico, of the Società Italiana degli Storici dell’Economia (S.I.S.E.) and of the Asociación Española de Historia Económica. He was part of the scientific committee of the journal “Nord e Sud” and he is a member of the scientific committee of the journals “Mezzogiorno Europa”, “Meridione” and “Rivista economica del Mezzogiorno” of the SVIMEZ. Since 2006, he has been the chairman of the jury for the prize “Sele d’oro - Mezzogiorno”. Recently, he started taking care of electronic sources for the socio-economic disciplines for both research and teaching activities. He gave an account of the situation of these sources during the National Conference in 2002 “Nuove fonti e nuove metodologie di ricerca per la Storia Economica”, organized by S.I.S.E. He also published the essay Le fonti elettroniche per la storia economica, in “Cromohs” (Cyber Review of Modern Historiography), n. 8, 2003 and the essay «I "sassolini" di Hänsel e Gretel». Nuove metodologie e fonti telematiche per la storia economica, in the on-line journal “Storia del mondo”, n. 6, 2003. Recently, he started working on IT sources for archives and business history in Italy and abroad, with a report during the S.I.S.E National Conference in 2006 and with the following creation of a suitable database.

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