italian version
Why this magazine?
by Alessandro Lombardo and Giuseppe Paletta
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Who are we?
Why «Culture e Impresa» («Cultures and Enterprise»)
Why a bilingual e-magazine?

Who are we?

The Centro per la Cultura d’Impresa (Centre for Business Culture) and the Fondazione Ansaldo – Archivio economico delle imprese liguri (Ansaldo Foundation – Economic Archives of Ligurian Businesses) are cultural institutions that have grown out of the entrepreneurial system. Our goals are to promote business culture and safeguard the historical and cultural heritage (archives, artefacts, technical libraries, etc) generated by profit-making organizations.
The Centre was set up by the Milan Chamber of Commerce and the Foundation by Ansaldo-Finmeccanica. We share the basic principle that a business is not only an economic force, but a pivotal point for social and economic advancement of a country. For this reason, the Centre and the Foundation conduct their activity in the context of the business concern seen as an agent of modernization and, a wellspring for co-ordinated cultural initiatives.

Why «Culture e Impresa» («Cultures and Enterprise»)?
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Business often acts as an incubator for economic, organisational, technological, scientific and anthropological cultures. With this first issue of «Culture e Impresa» («Cultures and Enterprise»), we have chosen:
to underline that diversity of constituents and the knowledges that each one generates.
to make historical business documentation available to researchers, and to the general public. By making operational procedures more visible, business reduces the sense of distance that is often perceived by its surrounding community.
to analyse first-hand accounts of well-known entrepreneurs who have organized business ventures.
to give equal voice to the many people who contribute to achieving the goals of an enterprise.

Engineers, blue and white-collar workers, managers, consultants – but also external stakeholders – form the surrounding human resources on which the success of the entrepreneurial project is based and whose activity ensures its success.
" to be a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas among entrepreneurs, business leaders and researchers grounded in both the cultural significance of these objectives and a scientific approach to company operations - analysis, decision and achievement appraisal.
to raise the issue of memory as a cultural and ethical basis for business.
Memory, i.e. the set of the constituent elements of the historic and cultural heritage of an enterprise. Also, the willingness to analyse one's actions retrospectively. Memory, according to Le Goff, is power. It is a powerful organisational tool, for forming social consensus both inside and outside a business. It is one way of attenuating the contradiction between the public aspect of the economy and the private aspect of business ownership. Memory, when reviewed by the entrepreneur and the entire team, can become an ethical point of reference, thereby reinforcing concepts such as social responsibility and company reputation.
to create a tool that facilitates access to business culture for those involved in educational purposes.

Why a bilingual e-magazine?
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We are aware of the increasing need for rapid, complete, and at the same time, systemic information. Reconciling the immediacy of multimedia with deeper analysis of issues and complete data is our greatest challenge; we aim to communicate to our readers not only through written articles, but also through interactive use of image and sound.

«Cultures and Enterprise» is a vehicle of communication and comparison in an international reality which is increasingly linksed to small and medium enterprise in Italy, in terms of both ownership, and market operations.

Small and medium enterprises are increasingly successful in achieving their business objectives beyond the limits of national boundaries. This data represents an innovative trend for sme. In the case of multinational enterprises, the construction of complex company cultures have been observed which even oblige employees to identify with the corporate culture to the point of subduing their national identity.

In central and northern Europe the cultural heritage of individual enterprises has long been considered worthy of protection and vigorous cultural institutions have emerged around them. Italian business culture has much to learn, but at the same time offers a growing contribution.
In this also, «Cultures and Enterprise» intends to be an organ of interchange and communication.

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