italian version

The Chambers of Commerce and Business Cultures
by Pier Andrea Chevallard

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The chambers of commerce and business culture are closely linksed, thanks to the specific role of the chamber itself. Both are committed to the general interests of business companies and to their development within local economies.

Entrepreneurial environment comprises a complex universe with various interests that often diverge. Broad and up-to-date knowledge of this universe is needed to protect and enhance the growth of businesses within their territory. Development trends, critical issues, expressed needs and perceived demands require knowledgeable analysis in order to form a clear outlook for the future.

The chambers of commerce, in their role as registry office, offer a privileged point of view and a litmus test on local enterprises. Because of its access to quantitative and qualitative data and records, the chambers are able to form a clear delineation of the features of business world as a whole and in its single parts. Knowledge is a vital tool in order to outline policies and focus and concrete projects, both effective and aimed at supporting the development of single companies, business systems and their respective territories.

The chambers of commerce adopt a systemic approach, in which facts and figures play a very important role, as for instance the number of companies and employees, the turnover and contribution to general wealth.

However, the quality aspects of company life – social, relational, cultural and historical – is vital. As a matter of fact, the commitment of the chambers of commerce towards every single project is aimed at enhancing, preserving and integrating the greater heritage, that grows out of the entrepreneurial spirit, and constitutes the wealth and culture of Italian companies and business systems.

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